Don’t leave anything on the table

Everything you'd expect from a digital marketplace, but with comprehensive collections you'll love.

Explore our amazing collections

Explore our creators’ products, examine the collections and find what ignites your interest.

Collections world
Collections world

Need something else? We’re on it

If you didn’t find just what you needed — tell us about it. Our creators will fulfill your request and upload the results to the store. Now you have a say in what is being created.

Support your favorite creators

Buy or download free assets you like. Every time you buy something, the creators get 90%. Our creators feel your support like nowhere else.

Collections world

IT’S not just about the income

Find your favorite goods and assemble them into collections

Get all access in one pay.

Fair prices

The creators get 90% of every transaction, allowing them to maintain fair prices. We are convinced that good design should be acessible and we’re doing our best for it.

Your privacy is protected.

Your privacy is protected

All requests are processed manually. Before the request is passed to the creator, your private information is concealed.

Copyright reserved.

Rights are protected

We care about creators’ intellectual property. By developing our unique protection system, we are making sure the creators are motivated to produce original works.

Unified solution base.

Growing knowledge base

We maintain a repository of best methods and practices of creating successful sought after digital products. This enables anyone to implement them and reach the highest production level as fast as possible.

Don't overpay for extra assets.

Only pay for what you need

Only buy a single component of the collection if that’s all you need. We’re doing our best to create unique products for each situation, not a one-size-fits-all template.

Options is all in one place.

Full control at your fingertips

Every product and collection is now available at a glance. Find the style you want and reveal every product that supports that style. Can’t find what you need? Leave a request.

Stress-free licenses.

Stress-free licensing

Only two types of licenses. No more trying to decipher which license suits your situation best.

Explore live preview.

Open to dialogue

We’re here to answer any question. We listen closely to our community and are ready to hear you out if you have an idea or a complaint.

Have a say in what’s being cooked. Tell creators what you need..

Frequently Asked Questions

How it works

A GH collection is a subset of digital products of different categories assembled into a single kit, based on the stylistic consistency. So you as the buyer don’t need to go hunting for all the different components required to build a comprehensive design system for your project.

For instance, a pitch deck, a social media template, a website and a typeface could be combined into one collection. And they don’t necessarily have to be made by the same creator. Because if they go together well, it doesn’t even matter.

Each creator does the part they do best. Let’s face it, how many designers do you know who are good at creating all these things at the same time?

Still missing something? You can leave a request and we will create what you need.

Both buyers and creators can leave orders for other creators to fulfill. The orders are processed manually and before passing them on to production, we collect all the details if necessary and remove any private information. Then the order is put into a ticket available for the creators best suited for the job to pick.

We strive to support the creative community and we put our money where are mouths are by paying the creators 90% of each transaction.

We are the only digital asset store that does this. Which means the creators that work with us are well compensated and thoroughly motivated to create even more amazing products for you.

We’re building a true decentralized creative hub that enables creators working in vastly different creative areas to join forces and create products that can only be find in our ecosystem.

This is as simple as it gets — there’s only two. A trial license and a standard one. The trial license allows you to use the product free of charge for educational and personal projects. Standard license covers the rest of cases. Read more about it here.

Unfortunately we don’t support returns of digital products as it would put our creators into a compromised position in terms of copyright protection. We only accept return claims if the creator broke the terms of service agreement.

Please evaluate carefully the product you want to buy, ask the creator questions about it. We did our best to remove as much uncertainty as possible by adding Figma file preview etc.

That being said, we are always here for you and open for any kind of dialogue and we will do our best to help you settle your complains.

We are concerned by the lack of regulation in AI and the way it is being integrated in the creative environment. We want to protect everyone who shares our concerns.

Generative models were trained images from creators who did not give their permission. Therefore, we perceive any result obtained from AI as a violation of the creator's copyright, and we deem it unethical to use.

At the same time, we recognize the value of AI and its practical ethical applications. Currently we are developing a generative model that will help find violations of copyrights and protect human creativity better.

We do not support products in which any visual images, illustrations, photographs, or styles were created using AI.

We remove the authors who violate these rules from the platform forever.

You don’t need a portfolio of works to help other creators expand their products, if you don’t have one. You are still welcome.

You will have the same rights as any other creator, access to a private Creators Chat, and the ability to earn revenue from sales of the collections you helped expand.

To become a co-author, apply to Become a Creator and indicate in your bio that you want to become a co-author and work on expanding other people's products.