Don’t leave anything on the table

Everything you'd expect from a digital marketplace, but with comprehensive collections you'll love.

Do what you love

Just do what you love the most, and don’t worry about anything else. Whether it’s drawings, photographs, pitch decks or 3D render — just make it happen, we will take the chore of promoting it off your shoulders.

Collections world
Collections world

Be a part of the community

We’re building an ecosystem where any creator can ask for assistance with elevating their products or help others by applying their expertise to expanding their collections and share in their income.

No more random products nobody knows how to use — collections solve the problem of figuring out the product for the buyers.

Create and earn together

Create collections that you couldn’t pull off on your own, together with other creators. Now you can sell whole design systems, even if you only specialize in one thing.

Just do what you love and don’t worry about being versatile — our community will help you out with covering all the bases.

Collections world

IT’S not just about the income

We're creating a world where creativity is protected. Get in and leave your mark.

Get all access in one pay.

Grow your style

Be the first to plant your favorite style on Goods & Hands. Join in forces with other creators to expand it to other products that you couldn’t pull off on your own.

Your privacy is protected.

Unleash your creativity

Don’t hold back. Here your originality is protected. No more frustration caused by shady clones and copycats. If someone creates a derivative based on your work — you are the one who earns from it.

Copyright reserved.

You are not alone

G&H is not just a store. It’s a community. Find like-minded people to create collections together. We’re on a mission to unite the creators into a community, empowering each and every member to do more than they could on their own.

Unified solution base.

You are safe and secure

Creativity is the cornerstone of humanity and it must be protected. That is why we are building our own tools and system that detect unauthorized copies of your works. We have zero tolerance policy toward clones, copycats and generative AI.

Don't overpay for extra assets.

Grow and earn together

These are not just words, but a well-thought-out system of redistributing income between co-owners of collections. Every time one author's work is sold, all the co-authors receive a portion of the revenue.

Options is all in one place.

Create together

Create digital collections which would be impossible to do alone, together with other creators. Just do what you love the most.

Stress-free licenses.

Your rights are protected

We care about the intellectual property of our authors. We are developing our protection system to preserve the copyright of each creator. Originality is what matters the most.

Explore live preview.

Be the inspiration

Upload your products to Goods & Hands and share your creativity. Gather like-minded people around you who will help grow your style into comprehensive collections.

Onboarding takes a minute but brings a lifetime of opportunities.

Expand to Earn

Expand upon other creators’ products by creating complementary assets. Synchronize them with the author’s collection and earn up to 70% from each sale. By connecting your product to the collection, you start earning income even if your own products don’t sell, as long as the collection does.

Get all access in one pay.

Respond to requests

Keep tabs on the requests from other creators and clients in the Creator’s Chat and create your products to expand collections.

Your privacy is protected.

Create adaptations

Translate other creators’ products into new formats and expand their collections to share income.

Copyright reserved.

Improve Structure

Improve the structure of other creators’ products. Adapt them to new media and purposes. Create new products based off other creators’ style to solve specific problems.

Unified solution base.

Utilize other creators’ assets

Use other creators’ assets to create something entirely new they never could even think about.

Don't overpay for extra assets.

Change Fonts

Find new typefaces for other creators’ products to expand their usage and become a co-author.

Options is all in one place.

Share your vision

Found something you think could be improved? Tell the author and offer your help with implementing it.

Stress-free licenses.

Give it a new coat of paint

Found something you think would look gorgeous in a different light? Go ahead and come up with new color combinations. If the author approves it, you become the co-owner of the collection.

Explore live preview.

Elevate texts

Adapt other creators’ templates for specific industries and usage. No more uninspired ‘Lorem Ipsum’ that hurts your sales only because you hate writing. Leave writing to those who love it and watch your products fly powered by well thought-out, beautifully written texts.

Frequently Asked Questions

Still on the fence?

A GH collection is a subset of digital products of different categories assembled into a single kit, based on the stylistic consistency. So you as the buyer don’t need to go hunting for all the different components required to build a comprehensive design system for your project.

For instance, a pitch deck, a social media template, a website and a typeface could be combined into one collection. And they don’t necessarily have to be made by the same creator. Because if they go together well, it doesn’t even matter.

Each creator does the part they do best. Let’s face it, how many designers do you know who are good at creating all these things at the same time?

Still missing something? You can leave a request and we will create what you need.

Absolutely any kind. We don’t want to limit anyone’s creativity. Templates, graphics, fonts, photos, branding, animation, videos, apps, code snippets and anything else as long as it respects our Terms of Service.

Apply for membership, tell us about yourself and your specialization. The final decision is made based on the application, so help us make it in your favor.

Any Creator can upload their own products into collections, create products for someone else’s collections, accept requests from other creators and clients. Here’s the full list of everything that is available to you as a creator. Also, please read our Terms of Service.

We distribute 90% of the revenue from all purchases among the creators. The precise amount will depend on your specific product and the co-authors’ input proportion.

Currently, the service only allows downloading of products distributed under a trial license. We are currently working on enabling purchases, so follow our updates on Discord.

Sign up, apply to Become a Creator, wait for it to get approved. Usually it’s no more than seven days. We understand this is a bit too long, but we’re doing it manually and we’re a small team. After we approved your application, we will invite you to the Creator’s Discord community.

We carefully monitor all collections that appear on the platform and ensure the uniqueness of each one to prevent any coincidence with products and collections of other authors. If we find such a case, we inform all those involved and help them merge the products into one collection, where one will have the copyright and the other will be a co-author. If the violator refuses to merge the products into one collection, we block that creator's product and give them a warning.

After 3 violations, we deprive them of the ability to create their own collections or completely delete their profile without the possibility of recovery.

Also, we track violations outside of Goods & Hands and use various methods and tools to block any pirated distribution and copying of our creators' product images.

Please note that we can only guarantee to preserve your copyrights for those products that are sold exclusively on Goods & Hands. If you sell a product elsewhere, we can not guarantee protection of your rights outside of Goods & Hands. Learn more about the terms of copyright protection in this document.

We are concerned by the lack of regulation in AI and the way it is being integrated in the creative environment. We want to protect everyone who shares our concerns.

Generative models were trained images from creators who did not give their permission. Therefore, we perceive any result obtained from AI as a violation of the creator's copyright, and we deem it unethical to use.

At the same time, we recognize the value of AI and its practical ethical applications. Currently we are developing a generative model that will help find violations of copyrights and protect human creativity better.

We do not support products in which any visual images, illustrations, photographs, or styles were created using AI.

We remove the authors who violate these rules from the platform forever.

You don’t need a portfolio of works to help other creators expand their products, if you don’t have one. You are still welcome.

You will have the same rights as any other creator, access to a private Creators Chat, and the ability to earn revenue from sales of the collections you helped expand.

To become a co-author, apply to Become a Creator and indicate in your bio that you want to become a co-author and work on expanding other people's products.